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Which is the best choice between theoretical weight and actual weight?

To answer this question, first we have to figure out what is the theoretical weight and what is the actual weight, and then identify their distinctions, what is their connection, and what is the impact on your business.

What is the theoretical weight?

Theoretical weight is from the calculation, it can also be called standard weight, every product will be produced according to the standard, although the name of the standard in each country may be different, But the calculation method of theoretical weight is the same, each size has a unique theoretical weight and it will not be changed.

How is theoretical weight calculated?

The “theoretical weight” refers to a standard weight that is calculated by multiplying the material density by the product’s specifications. In the case of steel, the density remains constant at 7.85kg/m3, and weight is determined by volume. Regardless of the steel’s specifications, as long as its volume can be calculated, its theoretical weight can be easily determined. However, calculating the volume of various steel specifications are quite complicated. To simplify this process, there is a theoretical weight table available for each product, which has already been calculated and can be used directly.

What are the characteristics of theoretical weight?

  • There is only one theoretical weight for a size.
  • Weight changes follow a certain set of rules, with the theoretical weight changing in proportion to the product’s size. As the size increases or decreases, the theoretical weight will adjust accordingly at an approximate ratio.
  • The essence of theoretical weight is to provide guidance for production. Every factory should reference this data to standardize their production processes. However, the actual production equipment used in each factory has rolling tolerance, which can result in slight differences in the same size products produced by each factory.
  • Many buyers who are seeking a lower price may use the theoretical weight as a pricing benchmark.

What is the actual weight?

floor scale vs hook scale

Actual weight is determined by weighing the product in reality, as opposed to calculating it theoretically. Due to its large size, the weighing process is also different. Typically, it is weighed using a floor scale or a hook scale

where is the actual weight from?

Actual weight is determined when the product is produced and sold by weighing it with a hook scale during loading onto a vehicle or by weighing it with a floor scale when the vehicle is fully loaded. The weight can only be known once it is weighed, which means that if you know the actual weight before signing the contract, it is likely to be inaccurate.

What are the characteristics of actual weight

  • The same size of steel can have different actual weights.
  • Actual weight can be irregular and is affected by the production process. It can be artificially controlled during production to manage the weight change.
  • The essence of weighing a product is for sales, and the circulation of goods in the market is based on the weight of the product. This ensures a fair and just transaction for both buyers and sellers.
  • While many buyers may prefer theoretical weight, experienced buyers understand the best way of dealing is based on actual weight.

The differences between theoretical weight and actual weight

Now that you have an understanding of both theoretical weight and actual weight, we can compare their characteristics and identify the key differences between them. The fundamental distinction lies in their purpose: theoretical weight pertains to production, while actual weight pertains to sales. While there is a conversion relationship between the two, it is complex and influenced by artificial weight control measures, which are ultimately linked to pricing in sales.

This relationship raises another question that is of great concern to buyers.

Which method should I use to make purchases that is most beneficial for me?

Actually, the decision on which method to use should be based on your own perspective and a careful consideration of the differences between theoretical weight and actual weight. It’s important to evaluate which method better suits your needs and preferences.

The below features are suitable for theoretical weight purchase

  • The steel I purchased does not require the exact size and thickness.
  • The exact number of pieces should be mentioned in the contract.
  • The unit price of the steel I purchase should be lower enough.

The below features are suitable for actual weight purchase

  • The steel I purchased requires the exact size and thickness.
  • The number of pieces not requested.
  • The unit price of the steel I purchased is not important to me. As long as the total cost fits within my budget is the most important.

Our suggestion

Based on the above content, our suggestion is to conclude the contract according to the actual weight, which is the fairest way for both buyers and sellers.

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